Join the Superbillets CA affiliate programme

Join SuperBillets as an affiliate and get access to one of the largest secondary market ticket networks in the world!

SuperBillets is part of a large online ticket exchange which offers tickets to sports, concerts and theater events for events mainly taking place in the US and Canada, but also around the world. The exchange offers access to two billion dollars of ticket

En ligne depuis : 17/07/2017


  • Détails des commissions: 9%
  • Durée de validation moyenne: -
  • Durée du cookie: jusqu'à 30 jours
  • EPHC: 0.00
Commission 9%
  • Conversion rate*:0.00%

  • EPHC*:0.00

  • Commission: 9%

  • Durée du cookie: jusqu'à 30 jours

  • Durée de validation moyenne:-

Do you have what it takes?

Details about the Superbillets CA affiliate programme...

Programme description

Join SuperBillets as an affiliate and get access to one of the largest secondary market ticket networks in the world!

SuperBillets is part of a large online ticket exchange which offers tickets to sports, concerts and theater events for events mainly taking place in the US and Canada, but also around the world. The exchange offers access to two billion dollars of ticket inventory every day - a nearly inexhaustible selection! It's easy to earn a 9% commission on each and every order.

Our site offers customers a personalized buying experience, including order tracking, completely in French - a rarity among our competitors in the United States. For francophone customers who are planning trips to North America, our French site and customer service make ticket buying quick and easy!

Rejoignez SuperBillets en tant qu’affilié et vous aurez accès à un des plus grands réseaux des billets du marché secondaire du monde !

SuperBillets fait partie du grand échange des billets sur Internet pour les évènements sportifs, les concerts et le théâtre qui ont lieu principalement aux Etats-Unis et au Canada, mais aussi ... View More

Are you a good fit?

Aperçu de la stratégie pour le PPC : Fermée

Geotargeting: Aucun

Canaux Marketing for the Superbillets CA programme are:
  • Browser extension
  • Cashback site
  • Community forum
  • Comparison Shopping Service (CSS)
  • Competition/Freebie site
  • Content site
  • Discount/Voucher site
  • Display
  • Editorial content
  • Employee benefits
  • Incentive/loyalty site
  • Influencer/Blog
  • Influencer/Social media
  • Lead generation
  • Newsletter
  • Onsite/technology partner
  • Price comparison site
  • Remarketing
  • Retargeting
  • Rewards
  • Référencement naturel
  • Shopping directory
  • Social commerce
  • Subnetwork
  • Barres d'outils
  • PPC to advertiser site
  • Achat de mots clés: redirection vers votre site

What Outils will be available to you?

The Superbillets CA programme brings you these promotional tools:

éléments clés

  • Cross program tracking
  • Bon de réduction autorisé
  • Mots clés:tickets, concert, sp ...

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